An illustrated fern leafAn illustrated fern leaf

Build your community
intentionally through branding

Holistic branding for leaders and facilitators of healing

Schedule an alignment call

This is your calling and your business

Build the community you envision and one your business can count on with branding that speaks clearly and directly to them.

Share your gifts with the world

Building relationships starts with how you show up. As a business, you show up through your brand. Arrive as your authentic self through a journey of brand-discovery that honors you—mind, body, and soul.

Focus your business in the right direction

Deeply connect with your people

Consciously build healing relationships

Feel authentic in how you show up

Stay aligned and anchored in your work

You are worthy of being seen.

Our vision is to see you living yours.

Photo of Abby

“Anatomy Branding’s thoughtful approach helped me identify the powerful emotive core of my brand. I trusted in their process and, in return, have a brand that captures my business’ aim and personality as well as a logo that made me audibly gasp the moment I saw it.”

-Abby Lisk

Founder of Ellipses Etc.

How to work with us:

Schedule an alignment call
Receive a project proposal
Book us for your brand project

Quiet the voice of self-doubt and move toward the vision you have for this world.

Schedule an alignment call

Struggling to build your community?

As a brand, it’s hard to connect with your people, that’s why at Anatomy Branding, we create brands that bridge the connection to who you are so it’s clear to your people that you are here for them. We know what it feels like to struggle with building your community and expressing yourself confidently in the world.

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Sign-up for 5-days of brand journal sessions, FREE!

Want a sneak peek into our branding project? Get access to the exact journaling sessions we use with our clients, for free! Emailed over 5 days, these sessions are the start toward deeply clarifying your brand vision, mission, and purpose.

Ready for a brand that’s worthy of you?

Schedule an alignment call